Training for your Works Council

Directors and works councils that work well together and value each other are an enrichment for an organization. For the employees and for the company as a whole. The common interest is the starting point of the training and guidance that The Sunmaker offers to the Works Council as well as to directors, administrators and external secretaries

WoCo basics training

RFA, RFC, Consultative meeting, the Works Council Act or the WOR? What are the rights and obligations of a Works Council in the Netherlands? We'll tell you everything you want (and should) know!

Cooperation with the WoCo Director 

"Works council members are actually affordable consultants!" said a Director during one of our training sessions. How do you get your Director to see you that way too? No vague relationship therapy, but concrete and personal tips to improve your relationship.

Improv for the WoCO

Accept it. Decisions will be made, against your advice. Sometimes the Director surprises you. Changes are suddenly announced. The better you become at dealing with changes, the more fun your work becomes. Therefore, register your Works Council now for the workshop Improvisation for the Works Council

Elections of the WoCo 

Every few years it's happening: the elections of the Works Council. And now you are the one who has to organise it. What are the legal requirements again? What do you have to do and by when? How do you make sure it looks slick? Our election tool will help you. All the way.

Cyber Security Awareness

Why should your Works Council follow a Cyber ​​Security Awareness workshop? Because cyber attacks often lead to direct financial losses. This endangers the continuity of the company, which is precisely what you should focus on. Is your company ready?

WoCo advanced class

Mergers, acquisitions, reorganization or relocation? We have seen it all. We no longer shy away from an abbreviation such as COR, GOR, DOR, TOR, BOR, OC or MR. How about you?